Saturday 31 January 2009

the ring of wedding cloche

When my dear friend Sheila asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next year, I spent the rest of the morning deliriously happy* perusing the Internet for wedding fashions of all sorts. And oh! what I came across. To my delight, I stumbled upon a slew of photos from the 1920s.

Caroline Reboux, you inspire! Your cloche has brought back my love for milliners and their handiwork. Although, I must say, most of what I was drawn to while searching were actually modified wedding caps and not the true cloche in it's full bell-shaped glory.

*I might add: Overjoyed, elated, happy as a clam, over the moon, tickled pink.

Monday 5 January 2009

a thank you note to the fsa

Last night, going to bed. With thoughts of new blogs running in my head.

I lay and I wondered what exactly I’d have to say from now until later. Oh the age-old Internet dilemma!

And then, it was. Right before drifting off, I recalled a few photos I ran across several weeks ago. Photos whose quality had taken me completely by surprise. Whose color I had never seen before in such true-to-life form for their era. And all wrapped up neatly in a nice little Flickr set. Courtesy of who you ask? Why the U.S Government of course. Farm Security Administration to be exact.

I took the liberty to show you a few gems, but highly (with all caps and italicized) recommend this set for further inspection.

Annette del Sur in a crown of salvaged glory.

Gunsmithing never looked so chic.

From sales clerk to reamer.

Pristine hair and lips in the shop of course.

Sunday 4 January 2009

hello lovelies.

Welcome to Dalena Vintage! So yes, it's true. Dalena Vintage is almost one year old without even a blog to prove it. So here you go.

To all my fellow courters of vintage. I, Dalena, do solemnly swear to bring you previews of the lovely little vintage numbers found in my Etsy shop
. To share inspiration for that daily dressing ritual. To embrace the writing whims of guest bloggers. And to share all vintage that comes across my fancy.

To begin, the latest and my current favorite from the shop for your viewing pleasure...