Sunday 26 April 2009

dunk me & other well suited pieces

I used to set up my parents projector just to watch all the Super 8 footage my great grandmother took on her many trips around the world. From England to Morocco. Japan to Mexico. Mostly she would film gardens and architecture, but I would wait wait wait for the rare moments when she would capture herself or her travel companions.

Needless to say, I love and have always loved viewing any sort of old film clips. So when I was looking for photos of 1950s suits to inspire the suit I have loosely in created in my head, I was uber excited to find this little clip.

The multi-purposed pieces are lovely. Completely utilitarian minus the blandness I tend to find with those types. I must say though, I'm having a terrible time figuring out the obvious reason for the wing ding! Anybody?

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