Friday 29 May 2009

pushing daisies and such

Feeling somewhat down on my luck lately (especially with the tearful loss of my macbook this week) what better way to mourn than with a few episodes of Pushing Daisies...Ever since I caught a glance of the eerily vibrant show I've been hooked.

Of course there's the oh so witty dark humor. The carnivalesque hues. The perfect blend of cheer and gloom. But then, wait! The best part...Chuck. Yes. It's true. I am admittedly enamored with Chuck's unrivaled wardrobe. From her 40s, 50s and even 60s style to her brazen use of color, I love every bit of her attire. And I suppose it's only appropriate Robert Blackman, costume designer for Star Trek, is responsible for her other worldly look. Oh do come back to life!

Tuesday 19 May 2009

hare rama hare krishna

Perhaps it's a bit of an understatement, but lately I've had a tiny obsession with all things Bollywood. As one of my closest friends asked me to choreograph a dance for her wedding this weekend, I've been scouring youtube for Bollywood inspiration. Did I mention it's an Indian extravaganza? Oh yes, that and the fact that I've never actually choreographed a dance in my 27 years of life. A bit nerve racking indeed!

Although the dancing is nothing much from what I've seen, (I have yet to actually watch it entirely!) the music from Hare Rama Hare Krishna has me coming back daily. And yes, Zeenat Aman probably has something to do with it. She is absolutely stunning and has me parting my hair down the middle again, something I don't think I've done since middle school when I had straighter than straight hair.

Monday 18 May 2009

what's to come

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. And now. Finally. A breath of summer. Check out these and a few more throughout the week in the shop!

Tuesday 12 May 2009

1955 london (a little bit in love)

So perhaps it's old news (54 years past if you must know) but for several years now I've been coming back to Ken Russell's photo essay of London's East End Teddy Girls. Working in factories and offices by necessity. Scheming and stitching their wardrobes by desire. Ending up at milk bars nodding to music in their pencil skirts, rolled-up jeans, flat shoes and tailored jackets with velvet collars. Essentially, I'm a little bit in love with the wonderful adrogyny of it all.