Wednesday 23 September 2009

iris satijn

Iris SatijnIris Satijn
Iris SatijnIris Satijn
Iris SatijnIris Satijn

Just a look at one photo had me vying for more of Iris Satijn's portfolio. With her quirky pairings, it's no wonder the Amsterdam-based stylist has work featured in some of my favorite magazines including the ever lovely N.E.E.T Magazine. I quite love this shoot and was thinking as I perused the photos, how fun would it be to dress up as Charlie Chaplin for Halloween? Last year I was Amelia Earheart, so perhaps I should just keep with the historical theme! I mean these photos just scream silent film dancer, no? And then of course, when I actually got down to reading a bit more about the shoot, lo and behold...Charlie C. was here. Costume ideas anyone?

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