Sunday 29 May 2011

hello world

Every once in a while, a girl just needs some time. A few minutes away from the seemingly overwhelming things in her daily life usually does the trick. Okay, so I chose to spread my few minutes over the past seven months. And instead of caving away in my house on the verge of becoming an eternal hermit, I headed to southern Thailand on a working holiday of sorts.

Maybe this sounds a bit odd or even extravagant. But when I’ve made up my mind I need to go somewhere I do it, sometimes rationally although often not. I’ve always done things my own way, finding my own path, regardless of how wild or overgrown it may be.

My stories. My life. My existence as of late are all being kept to myself for the moment. Soon I’ll be sharing my adventures and misadventures over laughter, tasty food and bottles of wine in the company of my dear friends and family. Quaint gatherings. In person. No more email and Skype-based relationships here. Perhaps the details of my whereabouts and happenings will unfold over time here on the blog but for now I’m keeping them close to my heart.

So here I am, slowly emerging back into the blogging world. Tearfully saying goodbye to Thailand in one moment and blissfully awaiting my return to Texas in the other.

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