Tuesday 15 December 2009


Well I'm out in Southern California right now, hence the lack of blogging! Once again, I thought...Oooh, I'll take a working holiday! I mean, that's the beauty of running an online shop, right? After all, the open schedule and ability to work from almost anywhere was one of the more striking joys of turning the shop into my full-time gig. Apparently, though I tend to forget it's a little harder than it seems!

I haven't been keeping up with actual news, let alone my favorite blogs. I don't think I've ever done a repost before but you know what, I'm on vacation and feeling a bit lazy at that. And when I came across the Ruche Winter Lookbook via Sally Jane Vintage, I couldn't resist. Socks, stockings and tights with boots of any sort are a staple in my Winter wardrobe, and the Ruche Winter Lookbook styled them in ways that I've been to afraid to wear for fear of looking like a little girl playing dress up.

Ruche Winter Lookbook
Ruche Winter Lookbook
Ruche Winter Lookbook

Don't you just love these pairings? I'm heading up to LA this afternoon to hit up a few vintage shops...Perhaps I can get my hands on a set of heels or even better, Oxfords, to wear with a pair of flouncy socks. On that note, if you've got any suggestions for shopping in LA, Orange County or San Diego, help a girl out won't you. Don't be shy...Comment away!

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