Sunday 27 December 2009

tom polumbo

If I were to visualize the perfect New Year's Eve in frames and shutter clicks, it would look something like this...

Tom PolumboTom Polumbo
Tom PolumboTom Polumbo

Love. Friends. Family. Food. Drink. Laughter. To me, these photos taken by Tom Palumbo, epitomize the spirit of New Year's Eve.

While Palumbo started out at Harper’s Bazaar and later went on to photograph for Vogue, these images taken in Paris cafés in 1962 near Les Halles remain my favorite. They capture life and emotion in a way rarely found in studio photography. And there's also the fact that I'm a little in love with the dreamy moods he creates with low shutter speeds and honest to goodness film.

Check out the entire series here. There will be no regrets!

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