Wednesday 24 March 2010

stop motion fancies

Last Fall I kept coming across small film projects online, falling a little bit more in love with stop motion at the click of each video. I've always loved photography in itself, but the idea of snapping a series of images and merging them to form one cohesive video is mesmerizing.

Okay, I know I just simplified the hell out of it! But seriously, really good stop motion always takes a little piece of my heart, and I can't tell you how much I want to do one myself especially after seeing this video on Etsy yesterday. Can you believe these folks found each other on Etsy and decided to collaborate? How neat is that?

Watching Lost Things definitely rekindled a desire to try my hand at this art so the question is...Is there anybody out there who could offer me their wise words of advice on the matter? I would love suggestions on anything from what program to use to story lines to techniques. Help! Oh and as big as my ideas are, I suppose I should start simple, as in the last video.

I'll be brainstorming today while photography for the shop and editing photos but I'll leave you with a few other favorites...

Rachel posted this one awhile back and so glad she did or it never would have graced my presence! Perhaps I'm a little in love with him or perhaps I just want to be him. I can't quite tell.

A graphic equalizer that makes me want to dance? Yes please!

And lastly, this bedhead video because it actually looks like a feasible project!

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