Wednesday 31 March 2010

an unlikely find

I may or may not be alone in my thinking, but I have absolutely no desire to see Hot Tub Time Machine...Or shall I say had. What, you ask, caused such a change of heart? Well, today I came across I came across heaps of clothing from the set and so of course now it's peaked my interest. I'm thinking of going to see it just to catch a glimpse of how they wear the clothes. Is that ridiculous?

Regardless of the movie taking place in 1986, a lot of the clothes were actually pieces from the 1970s and 1980s...And super cute I might add! Here's a sneak peak of some of the goodies. They should be up in the shop by the end of the night. Enjoy!

Dalena VintageDalena Vintage
Dalena VintageDalena Vintage
Dalena VintageDalena Vintage

On a side note, how amazing would it be to get a job as a wardrobe stylist for film or even TV for that matter?

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