Thursday 21 July 2011

How Do They Do It?

I think I’ve confided before that there is one part of floral design that I find elusive…difficult…frustrating…and that is designing a truly mixed bouquet. For some reason, I see flowers in specific color groups and have the hardest time breaking out of a tight color palette. Maybe it’s because I hate the mixed bouquets I see that appear to simply be the leftover flowers shoved together by some designer trying to avoid “wasting” them. You know what I mean? No rhyme or reason to the design and it just doesn’t jive for me…or worse, it makes me slightly nauseous. Then there are the designers who can combine many colors and textures into a bouquet that makes me cry with envy…and I have to ask, “How do they do it?” Of course, I know how they do it. It’s a GIFT…something not easily learned…just a talent that flows through the hands of these talented designers. So let’s look at a few…

6a010535ded4be970c014e89a11ba4970d just bloomed

image via Just Bloomed

133 jl designs

image via JL Designs

39902_461652925420_295546405420_6792757_1836258_n bloom by Anuschka

image via Bloom by Anuschka

3 sidra forman

image via Sidra Forman

070310-3282 petalena

image via Petalena

73583_121994414528100_100001526256267_140053_1469459_n bloom by Anuschka

image via Bloom by Anuschka

Barcelona tulips springwell gardens

image via Springwell Gardens

coccoalex01910 beautiful blooms

image via Beautiful Blooms Events

DSCF1648b bloom by Anuschka

image via Bloom by Anuschka

holly chapple flowers

image via Holly Heider Chapple Flowers

just bloomed10

image via Just Bloomed


image via Kate Osborne Photography

What about you? Is there a part of floral design that you find elusive and frustrating?

Have a great Thursday!


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