Thursday 8 December 2011

I Use Antlers In All Of My Decorating

Remember that song from Beauty and the Beast sung by the hunky Gaston? I think he started a trend…

antlers_thumb[1] cote de texas

image via Cote de Texas

schaal3aroom 17

origin unknown

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image via Tracery Interiors

Now antlers are spilling over into the flower world…

015 feather love

image via Feather Love Photography

image via Bows and Arrows and N Barrett Photography

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image via Sweet Pea Floral Design

183735_145759218821548_145325025531634_286660_6690997_n L'Olivier Floral Atelier

image via L’Olivier Atelier

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image via Bows and Arrows

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image via DFW Events and The Garden Gate

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image via Bows and Arrows

shapeimage_6 brown paper

image via Brown Paper Design 

kateosbornephotography-6 (1) sarah winward

kateosbornephotography-14 (1)v sarah winward

images via Kate Osborne Photography and Honey of a Thousand Flowers


image via Datura

Happy Thursday!

P.S. Don’t forget to leave a comment on this post to enter the drawing for a Botanical Shoes note card set from Francoise Weeks.


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