Do you ever have those why didn't I think of that moments? Well of course you do! I can't imagine anyone not having one of those moments at least once a month. This month's moment for me arose during a daily Internet foraging session when I came across the charming online boutique-of-sorts, Supermarket Sarah.
The concept is brilliant really, it combines the straightforward layout of a brick and mortar shop with the convenience of online shopping. With her handy home-base located just around the corner from Portobello Market, Sarah has ventured out from her stall in the actual market and set up shop in her own home. Thankfully for all of us residing outside the realm of the all-embracing market, she's turned this home shop into an online showroom featuring a variety of market finds. A place in which shopping is as easy as clicking on the piece you like, purchasing et viola...a little bit of Portobello loveliness delivered to your doorstep!
Although the current homepage actually features guest-curator Fred Butler, a London-based designer and props stylist, I'm hoping to see more of Sarah's hand-picked goodies in the future. Don't get me wrong, Fred Butler's work is quite intriguing in itself, it's just I'm a sucker for the more classic finds. What do you say?
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