Friday 22 January 2010

a bit of fringe

Yesterday I just couldn't stand it any longer! I've had thoughts of cutting fringe for awhile and even though I was (and am still) growing my hair out, I tend to get quite bored. Normally I'll hack away in my bathroom when the mood strikes. (Note: This is why keeping scissors in your toothbrush holder is dangerous!) But yesterday I thought, hmmm...the little pocket change I've got is burning a hole in my pocket. So off to Super Cuts I was, after all I did say the little pocket change. This is the result...

Dalena Vintage

* Odille dress from Buffalo Exchange
* Black tights from the drug store
* Thrifted slouch boots

Oh and before I forget, I teamed up with Erin over at Cali Vintage earlier this week to host a giveaway from the shop. It's a darling little clutch from the 1960s! And signing up to win is just as easy as pie. All you've got to do is head over to Cali Vintage and comment! Done and done.

And I'm finally on board with the Weardrobe gals, so you can check me out there. And (promise that's the last one) as much as I resisted, I gave into a Twitter account so won't you be my friend over there as well?

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