Tuesday 19 January 2010

a family affair: granny

Finally. More photos along with bits and pieces from Granny's scrapbook! I don't know why but for some reason as much as I love doing these, I can never decide which bits to put together. This little collection I loved because it's a side of her I never knew. The young, happy go lucky gal in nursing school. That and Western Union messages are so neat!

The prose style writing. So simplistic. So too the point. Dotted with STOPs because punctuation cost extra. I didn't realize it, but they were actually most popular in the 1920s and 30s because they were still cheaper than long-distance phone calls.

Dalena Vintage

Oh and the funny thing about the Wrigley's gum wrapper is that Granny always had a pack of Wrigley's in her purse. Usually one or two of those five piece packs. She used to get them when she would pay her tab at Live Oak Grocery, the local grocery store. On car rides, my cousin and I would have little tea parties with tiny goblets she taught us to make with the foil pieces. Resourceful much!

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