Wednesday 13 October 2010

parisian treasure trove

Sunday afternoon, my friend Dana took me over to Bow to check out a cafe she had been raving about for quite some time. Over what was one of the most delicious breakfasts I've had in quite some time, she asked if I had heard about a recently discovered Parisian flat, one that had been abandoned for 70 years. I had no idea what she was talking but of course I was intrigued. I love this sort of news and she, being like-minded in spirit, knew this and sent me the article she came across written by the Telegraph.

Just before the start of WWII, the grandaughter of actress Marthe de Florian fled her Parisian apartment for the south of France never to return. The part that I find so strange is that for 70 years she continued to pay rent for a flat she nor anyone else ever put to use. Why did she leave? Why did she never return? Just a few simple questions to which I would love the answers.

When she recently passed away, the apartment was finally opened up and a remarkable world of cob-webbed beauty uncovered. Amoung the antiquated treausures were stacks of love letters from lovers and admirers including artists and politicians. Swoon. These are the discoveries a girl dreams of coming across.




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