Monday 1 November 2010

It’s No Use…

…I can’t control my addiction to succulents. I’ve been trying to keep it to myself and not subject you to post after post of succulents, but then I spotted a photo of  Sorenson Greenhouses…and it opened the succulent floodgate…

20100321073 sorenson greenhouses (canada) succulent farm Floral Verde image via Floral Verde

So, please forgive me if you’ve seen all the succulents you care to see for a while. Hopefully, there are a few succulent fans among us…

DSC_03661-1024x681 ashley maxwell photimage via Ashley Maxwell Photography

6a01156f4fdbc9970c0134866ff07c970c-800wi from hello to hitchedimage via From Hello to Hitched

20100305066 floral verdeimage via Floral Verde

frenchcountry028 the brides cafeimage via The Bride’s Cafe

b41 Simply Bloom Photoimage via Simply Bloom Photography

Jami Beth Bouts in a box heavenly bloomsimage via Heavenly Blooms

booksigning8 JL Designsimage via JL Designs

nw25 pure 7 tudiosimage via Pure 7 Studios

sunsetce10IMG_0911 Jessamyn Harris Photoimage via Jessamyn Harris Photography

TG-106-682x1024 panacea event floral designimage via Panacea Flowers

upimage_1284006815_662 james christianson photoimage via James Christianson Photography

WHITE_SANDS00494image via Carla Ten Eyck Photography

chaebouquet2 flora grubb the cutting gardenimage via Flora Grubb and The Cutting Garden

HeadVase_Woman_1_500x500_500x500 floral art laimage via Floral Art

6a00d83451be3369e20120a7c671f7970b-500wi  heather bullard and bo tan ikimage via Heather Bullard Photography and Botanik

Well, I better stop here…I could go on and on…

Hope your week is off to great start! Thanks for stopping by today…       


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