Monday 14 February 2011

The Best Valentine’s Day Gift

Several times over the last month, I’ve run across articles explaining the danger of losing your blog on BlogSpot. Apparently, sometimes an entire blog will just disappear…no reason…just log on one day and it’s gone. Since I’ve published over 400 posts now, I’m a bit worried. I’ve been fretting about it to my husband…so, look what he gave me for Valentine’s Day…



He actually looked at my stats and figured out my Top 100 viewed posts since I started the blog in 2009…then had them published in a hardback book. Now I can’t lose them!

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And guess what? So many of you are forever documented in my book…your comments or your designs! I wish I could show you all of it, but its over 300 pages….so here’s a glimpse…


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Thanks for the most thoughtful Valentine’s gift ever, Joel! And thank you, precious readers of the Brouhaha, for giving me so much joy this last year and half. And finally…a giant THANK YOU to all the floral designers and photographers who are a constant source of inspiration to me…without you all there would be no Botanical Brouhaha!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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