Wednesday 9 February 2011

Working Designer Wednesday: Lovable You

I just love to see a designer hard at work creating a bouquet or arrangement. We’ve all been there…you enter your own world and time slips by unnoticed…you’re oblivious to what’s taking place around you…you speak when spoken to, but have no recollection of the conversation later…every ounce of concentration is focused on the creation at hand. In the end, a design indicative of the designer’s personality is born…and nothing is more beautiful.

I’ve received so many emails from amazing designers recently and I have to say…you are some of the most generous, warm and genuine people I’ve ever met. So today’s post is about you…the hardworking and incredibly talented designers…

Let’s take a look at a few designers hard at work…

hilary miles working on arrangementimage via Hilary Miles Flowers

 holly chapple picimage via Holly Heider Chapple Flowers

IMG_6762 floretimage via Floret Flowers

michelle rago3image via Michelle Rago Ltd

Mondo_0021 mondoimage via Mondo Floral Designs

5229574310_bd4015d5d4_z saipuaimage via Saipua

crosspollination…love this picture…I don’t think most people realize the amount of physical labor involved in floral design…

image via Pollen Floral Art

Changing gears a little…don’t you love this packaging from Solomon Bloemen?

shopping bag solomon bloemen 

solomon bloemen1

You know what I love even more than the packaging?

The Solomon Bloemen Studio…

studio of solomom bloemenIf you know my passion for white and my passion for flowers, you’ll understand my LOVE for this studio space!

Wish I could share a picture of each one of you. Thank you for your kindness…and for inspiring your clients and fellow designers day after day. Botanical Brouhaha would not exist if not for your hard work and generosity.

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday…

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