Friday 10 June 2011

I’m Back…With Books + Flowers

Wow! The last few days have been a crazy whirlwind for our family. In a nutshell…we sold our house and moved (and had no internet service for the last two days)! Next week I’ll be able to share some details with you. For now I’ll just say…God is good.

Since I’ve missed posting for the last two days, let’s skip ‘Which Bouquet?’ today and check out some flowers + books I’ve been dying to show you…

book holly chapple blue'

image via Holly Heider Chapple Flowers

bookends4 art with nature

image via Art With Nature

BOOKS 001 honey and poppies

image via Honey and Poppies

books 002_JenniferEileen_enjoyevents_MG_1536 laura miller designs

image via Laura Miller Designs

books 135 beautiful blooms

image via Beautiful Blooms

books 161bits of whimsy and sweet and saucy

image via Bits of Whimsy and Sweet and Saucy

books 5070513151_9b9f394ffa_b lila b.

image via Lila B. Design

books darkbeauty1 mckenzie powell

image via McKenzie Powell 

books DFFD C&K detail little pheasant

image via Denise Fasanello 

books kateosbornephotography-1715

image via Kate Osborne Photography

books lgw06 sms photo

image via SMS Photography

haciendawedding25 jl designs

image via JL Designs

simply bloom photo and amy osaba

image via Simply Bloom Photography and Amy Osaba

picnic stephanie fay photo

image via Stephanie Fay Photography

Hope you have an awesome weekend. See you back here on Monday…I promise…


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