Wednesday 1 June 2011

Working Designer Wednesday: Mixed Bag

Last week, Janice from Never a Plain Jane sent me the link to this Corsage Cuff Tutorial over at No Big Dill

no big dill

check it out here…such a well written and illustrated post!

Speaking of Janice, she came to Texas for a visit a few weeks ago…all the way from Florida…and what did we do? I slapped a Bliss apron on her and we cooked breakfast…then we talked for hours on the deck…about the “old” days when we created flowers for weddings and about the “new” days of writing blogs and creating custom garters. And, of course, I made her take a picture with me…in her adorable navy dress…

And, speaking of people I love, Emily and Jenny both celebrated birthdays in May. Here we are during Jenny’s Texas visit…all the way from Seattle…

photo aje

Have I mentioned how much I love and appreciate these women…for the talent they shared with Bliss Flower Studio…and for the precious relationships we developed and still treasure? Oh, I have? Well, excuse me…

What else is in the Mixed Bag for today, you ask? How about this bout label from Flaurie?

5-21 011 flaurie

And this living ring found on Trend Hunter?

23306_1_468 trend hunter

And this lively garden spotted on Studio G?

4254404934 studio g

And this boutonniere for an avid cyclist by Bella Fiori? Yes, that’s a bike chain…

boutonniere bike chain for avid cyclist bella fiori

And, finally, this floral sculpture from Tantawan Bloom?

dried bamboo leaves solomon bloemen

And one more thing…check out Holly Chapple’s post today…”How to Stay on a Flower Budget”…is there one designer alive that hasn’t had the same thoughts and struggled to stay true to his/her design style while trying to meet a budget and make a bride happy? Right on, Holly!

Happy Wednesday!

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