Wednesday 10 February 2010

armoire d'amour: q's daydream

There are so many fashionable gals with blogs these days whose closets I would love to raid. Am I alone in this? I have a feeling, that no, I am not! So here you are, Armoire d'Amour, a little series of interviews with ladies whose style speaks for itself.

Q's Daydream

This month, I'm happy to introduce a lady you probably know and love, Ms. Quincy from Q's Daydream. Aside from running her own Etsy shop and a crush worthy blog, she's got a closet from heaven, dotted with darling dresses from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Read on, read on...And then I suggest you head over to Q's Daydream for even more inspiration!

Dalena Vintage: What inspired you join the blogging world and start Q's Daydream?

Q's Daydream: Well, in September of 2008 I came across Sally Jane Vintage blog. I was so surprised and excited to see that there were girls out there with the same interest as me. I went down Jennifer's blog roll and discovered many other blogs. I couldn't believe there was such a big vintage community! It was then that I decided to start my blog. So, thanks Jennifer!

DV: Where do you find inspiration in your daily life?

QD: All over the place! Mostly from old films and other bloggers.

DV: I agree completely! Old Hollywood is filled with inspiration in itself, who are a few of your favorite starlets of the past?

QD: There's a bunch! My top of the top must be, Natalie Wood, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Ms. Monroe and Louise Brooks.

DV: And blogs...What are your daily must reads?

QD: I love so many! Esme and the Lane Way, Sally Jane Vintage, Mon Cheri and you! ;o)

DV: Aww, I'm blushing, thanks! You're currently running Q's Daydream on Etsy as your full-time gig which is amazing, but what were you doing prior to opening up the shop?

QD: Before running my shop full-time I worked with the elderly doing crafts and keeping them entertained. Though, before that I was in cosmetology school for a year. I've also worked in retail and as a coffee girl.

DV: Style is such a hard thing to define, but what does it mean to you?

QD: Style must make me happy. If I'm not happy in what I'm wearing it bothers me all day. It's also a wonderful way to express yourself!

DV: I'm coveting your collection of 1940s frocks as I'm sure many of your readers are. Fashionably speaking, what do you love most about this decade?

QD: Aww, thanks! What I love about 40s dresses most is their flattering cut. I like the fitted waists and slimming skirts. Also, the details were so sweet in the 40s!

DV: I guess I half assumed the Forties was your favorite decade...Oops! Am I right or wrong on that one?

QD: It's really hard for me to pick a favorite decade! The decades I love the most are the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Favorite...I would have to say the 30s.

DV: What about your favorite piece in your closet at the moment?

QD: I would have to say my 1940s baby blue rayon dress. It has little white palm trees on it!

DV: As sunny days and picnics are on their way, what's on your wish list for this Spring?

QD: Oh, and how I can not wait for Spring! I've been on the lookout for the perfect pair of high waisted sailor shorts, lol! I already have a pair that I lived in last summer, so I want more colors. Also, I would like some simple 50s sun dresses and some funky wedges.

DV: Speaking of sunny days, how about those not so sunny ones when the fashion blahs might creep in? Do you have a "go-to" outfit or a place you go for inspiration when you're in a rut?

QD: Well, this is quite embarrassing but on days that I don't leave the house I just throw on my black yoga pants and a warm sweater. When the weather warms up I look forward to wearing dresses around the house all day.

DV: And last but not least, you've got a definite love of sailor inspired fashion. Was there someone or something along the way that originally inspired you?

QD: I've loved sailor fashion for as long as I can remember! I have pictures of me when I was 4 or 5 dressed in sailor tops. I think it goes back to Shirley Temple. I watched so many Shirley films growing up and she always wore the cutest sailor inspired outfits!

DV: Thanks so much for giving us a sneak preview into your life Quincy!

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