Thursday 25 February 2010

pencil skirts and doo wop girls

I've finally emerged from four beautifully hazy days of wedding for a few short days of work before I go under the radar again for the Nashville move next week. Monday was spent on a final San Antonio trip with my mom filled with yummy food, shopping and a jug of root beer. Tuesday with hours of packing and intermittent breaks to admire the snow fall. Wednesday with recovery naps and photography. Today with work work work and more work!

These slim fitting pencil skirts and other vintage loveliness will be popping up over in the shop throughout the week, so stay tuned.

After all the alterations, here's how we ended up at the wedding on Saturday night. Only a few wardrobe malfunctions! Doesn't Sheila make a beautiful bride?

Sheila and Angus Get Hitched

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