Thursday 30 December 2010

Vintage Tins And Discarded Cans

Love this trend…easy to recycle cans into something beautiful…fun to hunt estate sales and antique stores for vintage tins…

6a0120a5914b9b970c0134887d6708970c florali blogimage via Florali

DSC_2990-Edit poppies and posiesimage via Poppies and Posies

IMG_4066 meg perottiimage via Meg Perotti Photography

krystalharrisesesh6 JL Designsimage via JL Designs

mad men 44 poppies and posies eventsimage via Poppies and Posies

Matilda-Jane-435-Art-Fair-Dinner cat mayer photoimage via Cat Mayer Photography

PoppiesPosiesTable2 (29 of 54)poppies and posiesimage via Poppies and Posies

plants_w8517-819x546 DIRT Flowersimage via DIRT

ashley23 Meg Smith Photographyimage via Meg Smith Photography

When I was filling daily orders, I loved to use vintage tins for arrangements…mostly because it gave me a great excuse to visit estate sales and antique stores…while telling my husband I was working! If the tin was deep enough I lined it with cellophane and dropped a glass jar or vase inside to hold the flowers. In smaller tins I was forced to use floral foam. I much preferred using the vase because the recipient could add water (with floral preservative) as needed and the flowers seemed to stay fresh a lot longer. Water can be added to floral foam, but it always seemed a little more confusing to the customer…is that enough water? is that too much water? And I never could get past thinking, “How can the stems take up water as well in foam with the ends of their stems crammed in a piece of foam?” Now, please, Mr. Oasis don’t get mad and email me…there is definitely a NEED for floral foam in designing…just not in every situation…in my humble opinion…

Have a great Thursday!


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