Wednesday 15 December 2010

Working Designer Wednesday

When I started writing this blog, I was hoping to appeal to those outside the floral industry looking for ideas while planning events…while also appealing to floral designers looking for inspiration amidst the hectic pace of life in the floral industry. I’ve been blessed with many comments and emails from brides, students, wedding vendors and floral designers. I try to post inspiring photos daily, but I feel there’s so much more to share with those inside (or looking to enter) the flower business. I’ve had many emails from designers asking practical questions about marketing, blogging, pricing and consulting with clients. So, I’ve decided to address those questions on Wednesdays…and I’m hoping you will feel free to share your own experiences because we can learn so much from each other.

When I started my floral design business, I was timid about asking questions and advice from other designers because it seemed many of them did not welcome new businesses. I guess they see other designers strictly as competition. However, three local designers showed me immeasurable kindness and I will forever be grateful to them. One, in particular, shared openly about her experiences and answered questions I had with honesty and compassion. Thanks Tricia!

Since starting Botanical Brouhaha, I’ve met some amazing designers with wonderful stories through emails. We really do have some of nicest people in the flower industry. Each Wednesday I’m planning on sharing their questions, concerns, and designing adventures. I hope we can help one another and celebrate with one another…

On that note, Evon at My Fleur Journey in Hong Kong has been an email buddy of mine for a while. I was so excited for her when she booked her first wedding job. We’ve all been there and can relate to the emotions that come with the first wedding…excitement, doubt, elation, fear, panic, enjoyment, exhaustion and relief. After the wedding, I was thrilled to see photos of Evon’s work. Take a peek…

MJW 001bMJW 003bMJW 009bMJW 027bMJW 030b  MJW 052b all images via My Fleur Journey

Congratulations, Evon!

Sorry today was heavy on words and light on photos. I’ll be back with plenty of inspiring photos tomorrow. Thanks for allowing me a “talking day”! Have a great Wednesday…

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