Thursday 6 January 2011

Beach Inspiration

Last week my husband and I traveled to the coast to celebrate our 23rd anniversary. I don’t know what it is about the beach, but I just love being there and get antsy to return when we haven’t been in a while. The sunshine, the sand, the waves…it heals my soul and boosts my spirit…

DSC_0032…as we start up the boardwalk for the first time after arriving, I feel like a kid again…so much anticipation…

DSC_0039…and then pure excitement at the first sight of the water…

Reminded me of these beach inspired florals and photos…

ACF5F8 millie holloman…don’t you just love those shoes?

image via Millie Holloman Photography

bridalf1 gilly flowers…nerines and sea shells…

image via Gilly Flowers

manzanita-branch-with-sea-shells designs by hemingway…the ultimate beach tabletop…amazing…

image via Designs by Hemingway

sherry_larry_0200 details details…look close to spot the sea shells in these romantic arrangements…

image via Details Details

wolf18 paul johnson…I love this picture…sometimes I daydream that it’s me in the picture…I really should have gotten married at the beach…

image via Paul Johnson Photography

starfish_ringbearer_pillow-884x1024 botanica floral designs…can’t imagine how much fun a ring bearer would have carrying this starfish…because I have boys, I can imagine it being used as a boomerang during the ceremony…

image via Botanica Floral Designs

20090530157 floral verde…great lines in this centerpiece…

image via Floral Verde

more than an image…would be a great idea for using bouquets as centerpieces at the reception…beautiful display and easy on the budget…

image via More Than an Image

One more picture…

DSC_0030 …the love of my life since I was 14 years old…Happy Anniversary to us…

Happy Thursday!

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