Tuesday 18 January 2011

Poppy Pizzazz

What’s not to love about poppies? The soft ruffles of the paper-thin petals…the subtle sorbet hues…the interesting pods…all parts are love-worthy!

6a00d83452476169e2013488df4913970c-450wi things are better with a parrott typepad

…love them with ranunculus…

image via Parrott Design Studio

bouquets_3-27-10_010 the designers' co-op

…with gloriosa lilies and viburnum…

image via The Designers’ Co-Op

DSC_0187 small stump blogspot

…and with hydrangeas and dahlias…

image via Studio Choo 

Love the pods almost as much as the blooms…see if you can spot the pods in these photos…

aisle-decorationwhite-peonies-and-texture-in-leaf-coneLeach-Botanical-Gardens-Françoise-Weeksimage via Francoise Weeks

DSC_2007 atelier joyaimage via Atelier Joya

edblog_0011 eyespy wedding photoimage via Eyespy Photography

kateosbornephotography-4608image via Kate Osborne Photography

picture-6 julie mikos photoimage via Julie Mikos Photography

tumblr_l9yqyqXWpj1qzhg33 floral occasionsimage via Floral Occasions

DSC_0058 edit and cropimage via Bliss Flower Studio

Looking at all these poppies makes me excited for spring…it’s usually the first flower to pop up in my garden after a long flowerless winter…

Happy Tuesday!

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