Wednesday 26 January 2011

Working Designer Wednesday: Documents

I’ve had several designers email me asking how to write a contract for wedding flowers. Today I’m going to share with you all the documents I used to create a bride’s file. I have to be honest…I’m feeling a little vulnerable. Isn’t that silly? But, really, I’m putting my “business self” on the web for everyone to see and critique. Anyway, here’s the system that worked for me.

Because I’m also a dental hygienist, my bridal folders looked a lot like dental charts! The necessity to have every conversation and decision documented carried over from my patient relationships to my bridal relationships. I’m sure the recording of minute details appears a bit unnecessary, but it was very helpful. Any of my designers could pick up the folder and find design instructions, timeline information for delivery, information on other vendors involved in the wedding and names of the bridal party…which saved time when the schedule got hectic. Each bride and groom got a folder containing the following documents. We put their names and wedding date on the front of the folder.

Wedding Flower Worksheet



Wedding Information Sheet




Additional Notes (for recording notes on each conversation with the bride after the initial consultation)




The contract was printed on handmade paper because I always think presentation is important. I hope these documents will be helpful if you’re looking for ideas. I found some of them and adapted them to my needs and created others out of necessity. You are welcome to copy them, change them, use them…whatever is helpful to you. And, as usual, if you are a floral designer and want to share any of your own documents, feel free to email me and I’ll share with our readers.

You probably noticed that one document is missing…the Wedding Flower Estimate. I’m saving it for another post…stay tuned…

Have a great Wednesday…and because we can’t have an entire post without a flower picture…

ACF9344 w scott chester photoimage via W. Scott Chester Photography


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