Tuesday 30 August 2011

a little help

It's been quite some time since I've done an outfit post. Yes, yes, I've been back in Austin for almost three months now. I must say though, it's been three months of that odd in between living. A time where I'm here and there, traveling and settling and such.

I'm shamelessly throwing that out as an excuse along with my overall lack of clothing, and to be quite honest, my lack of money at the moment. With my life in slightly chaotic transition, this unrelenting heat wave and the boy visiting, I haven't been too much in the mood for photos. Admittedly, there's been a lack of inspiration as well.

Nonetheless, when my mom asked me to take some photos for her today, I said sure. (Although in a slightly hesitant manner due to said reasons.) We ended up having a nice little time over at my Aunt Joan's house...Don't ask me how her yard is so green in this severe drought, but somehow she manages! I got to slip on a petticoat and wear a darling little 1950s number from her shop.

Deoma's Boutique
Deoma's Boutique
Deoma's Boutique

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