Monday 1 August 2011

What People Are Saying…

Today will be a little different from our normal posts. I receive several emails each week from readers and designers asking a question or sharing a link to something or someone they feel I should know about…and now I want to share some of these with you…

Kristy @ Imbue Weddings asked, “I read your blog every day and I love it!  The only problem is I live in Australia and whilst I love reading all the things you have available over there it does make me a little jealous.  Do you know of another blog like yours which is from an Australian florist?”

Ok, so I need two things from you BB readers…a recommendation for an Australian flower blog…and some help from you Australian designers. If you are an Australian designer and would like to help get the dialogue started about product availability and designing in your neck of the woods, please email me with your website address and we’ll get some of your work featured on the Brouhaha. Also, don’t be shy about commenting on the daily posts…we can all learn from each other!

Now a look at some Imbue Wedding designs…check out the website and the blog when you get a chance…you’ll love it!

imbue 001

imbue hgh


Janice @ Never a Plain Jane sent over this link about using Gingko leaves as escort cards…love the calligraphy, too!

Holly emailed asking for help identifying a flower and I discovered she writes a wedding blog with beautiful photos and advice on wedding questions. Check out her blog here

Mimi was kind enough to send an email introducing me to the designs of Into the Woods and Wildflower Linen…check these out…

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001 into the woods chicago

006 into the woods chicago

You will enjoy browsing both of those websites…and don’t miss the Wildflower Linen blog!

Thanks to all of you who read Botanical Brouhaha, email me and leave comments. I appreciate you more than you know…

Hope your week is off to a great start!

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