Wednesday 17 August 2011

Working Designer Wednesday: Another Mixed Bag

I think Working Designer Wednesday is turning into a day to catch up on all the email questions I receive during the week and share things I’ve found during the week that I think might be of interest to you, my designer friends. So, here we go again…

I’ve gotten many emails and comments asking about the frozen flower bowl from last Wednesday’s post. Remember it?

ice bowl JanBrett35-frozen-bowl-to-hold-ice-c

image via Millie Holloman Photography

Everyone wants to know who made it and how to create one of their own. I don’t know who made it…if anyone does, please please let me know so we can give proper credit for such an amazing idea! Here are a few links with instructions for creating a similar ice/flower bowl…

If you have any helpful hints about making one of these bowls, please share…you’ll make a couple of designers very happy!

Here’s a blog I discovered recently that you will enjoy…… great question/answer posts and lots of beautiful photos…

I’m intrigued by this photo…flowers packed in a U-Haul and ready for a 5 1/2 hour trip…no way you could do this in Texas right now!

048 splendid stems NY uhaul for a 5  hr trip

image via Splendid Stems

What do you think of these? Maybe they just really appeal to me because there is very little green left in Texas after 46 days over 100 degrees without one single drop of rain…

60229_1_468 trend hunter

image via Trend Hunter

The Meera House by Guz Architects, Singapore via textile and terrain

image via Textile and Terrain

A shop I’m totally in love with even though I’ve never actually stepped foot in it… Bloom by Anuschka

DSCF3388-2 bloom by Anuschka

DSCF3417 bloom by Anuschka

If you’re looking for something to get me for Christmas, I’ll take that huge canvas of anemones!

Don’t know why, but I adore pictures of designers hard at work creating…

IMG_0673 botanicaimage via Botanica

images via Bloom by Anuschka

michelle rago1

image via Michelle Rago Ltd

And, finally, remember Laurie from Fleurie…who won the Francoise Weeks workshop? Here she is taking a picture of her computer screen to put on her own blog when she won…


Well, Laurie emailed me today from the workshop. She’s having an amazing experience and will share about it with us when she gets home. Can’t wait to hear all about it!

Have a great Wednesday!



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