Monday 22 August 2011

road trip

It is a true fact that I do not have a working air conditioner in my Jeep at the moment. It is also a true fact that I live in Texas. And that, yes, it is indeed one of the hottest summers on record.

Would those factors keep me from venturing out on a little road trip to West Texas and southern New Mexico? The answer: 99.9% never. I didn't take too many photos as the heat induced a major lethargy. Here are a few scenes from the road nonetheless.

Balmorhea State Park
Camping at Balmorhea

Balmorhea State Park
Refreshing water of the springs

West Texas
In love with the desolate beauty that is West Texas

West Texas

Carlsbad Caverns
Despite appearances, this is not a scene from Fraggle Rock. It's Carlsbad Caverns!

White Sands
White Sands, New Mexico

White Sands

Side Note: Despite my general love of fashion, I have been known to (cough cough) go days in the same pair of cutoffs and cotton tank with hair pulled back to disguise the lack of showering. Yes, the above photos are evidence of this guilty pleasure. Judge or don't judge. The choice is yours. More fashion and foodie talk to follow.

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