Monday 3 October 2011

weekend life

I know I've been awfully quiet the past few weeks, posting sporadically here and there. The truth is I've been working part-time as a cashier slash waitress at a local Thai restaurant to make ends meet until I...Wait for it...Go back to getting a full-time job.

Have no fear, ladies and gents. I still plan on running the shop, it's just that, well, as it turns out, nonchalantly leaving the country for seven months doesn't exactly make for great business. It's taking time to get things rolling again and in the meantime a girl's got to pay the bills.

That said, for me now, weekend blogging does not exist! Instead, I've decided to share a little bit of my weekend each and every Monday. Oh, and please do hold me to it! Here we go...


Visiting antique shows. Searching for vintage clothing. Driving past (and stopping in) tiny churches. These are some of my weekend adventures. As was co-hostessing a lingerie shower for my cousin, Carrie, who's getting married in just three short weeks.

My mom ordered the most adorable bra and panty cookies for the occasion, and I picked up roses and eucalyptus for our arrangements. Sadly I couldn't help prepare the food due to work, but my mom baked an incredible tomato and feta quiche among other tasty dishes. Yes, it was a good weekend. How about you?

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