Wednesday 12 October 2011

Working Designer Wednesday: Amazing Things Happen In The Blogging World

I must admit that I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the years  being frustrated by my computer illiteracy and uttering a phrase that irritates my husband…“That’s why I hate computers!” Oh, I love my computer as long it rocks along without any problems, but I hate it when it doesn’t cooperate and I don’t know how to fix it. I guess you could call ours a love/hate relationship. However, lately, I’m experiencing a newfound love for my computer for allowing me access to this blogging world each day. The whole concept still amazes me…all the opportunities to connect with other designers across the state, country and world…building friendships with people I may never meet face to face. And here’s the part that continues to astound me…these designers are so generous and kind…foregoing the competitive secretive attitude I often experienced from fellow designers in the past. Let me give you an example…

On August 2, 2011, a French designer living in Switzerland contacted me via email. Her name is Laetitia. She studied floral design in Paris and writes a blog (in French) named Laetitia mentioned that she admired the American floral designs she was seeing on Botanical Brouhaha and wanted to learn these techniques. She also mentioned that she would be in San Francisco in early October 2011. She asked if I knew of a designer she might shadow or a class she might be able to attend while in SF.

While I’ve never actually been to San Francisco, I remembered reading an article about a new floral design studio in SF years ago…think it was in Florists’ Review magazine. The photos of the shop featured in that article were so beautiful…a clean modern white interior and a block lettered logo…I just loved it all and it stayed with me over the years. Mandy Scott Flowers…it popped into my head immediately when Laetitia asked. I quickly emailed Mandy and introduced myself. I told her of my unusual request and asked if she’d be interested in meeting Laetitia. After working out the timing of the visit, Mandy so graciously agreed to have Laetitia spend a day in her shop. Just like that, a blogger in Texas had connected a French designer in Switzerland with a designer in San Francisco…without having actually ever met either of them. I was amazed…

On October 7th, I received another email from Laetitia which read in part:

 “I met with Mandy and Ana on Monday! That was so great, so much fun! Both of them are so nice and so professional. I really had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for making this happen!

I spent almost all day in the shop... processing fresh flowers from the market, then Ana taught me the "tic-tac-toe" technique to make a bouquet directly in a vase with help of some tape on top of the vase... which is unknown in Europe as we do only hand-tied bouquets here! And I got to do one for good which was delivered to a customer later in the day.

We also customized orchids with kiwi branches and moss, so much fun! In the afternoon, Mandy allowed me to participate in a wedding consultation she had with a future bride... that was awesome!”

Laetitia attached a few pictures from her visit to Mandy Scott Flowers






… Ana and Mandy…

laetitia de_fred


So, I believe amazing things can happen in the blogging world because of the relationships we build with one another and the generosity of people like Mandy and Ana. I encourage you to take chances, ask questions, and build relationships through blogging…don’t be shy. There are many kind and incredibly talented designers out there who want to encourage you. I know some may not be willing to encourage a “competitor”, but many love the industry and want to see others succeed. You can find many of those designers featured right here each day.

Thank you, Laetitia, for reading Botanical Brouhaha and reaching out to me! And, thank you, Mandy and Ana, for your kindness and generosity. You make me proud of the floral industry!

Now, grab a cup of coffee and relax for a bit while you check out Mandy Scott Flowers and Floresie…and have a great Wednesday!

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