Monday 24 October 2011

a few changes

Things have been quieter than usual around here over the past weekend and surrounding days as the last minute details of my cousin's wedding were in full swing.

I had planned on documenting it to share, but alas, that didn't happen. Too many things to do! I managed to snap a photo of her while hiding from the chaos in the bathroom about an hour before we headed to the chapel.

Carrie's Wedding

Doesn't she look gorgeous? Hopefully I can snag a few photos from the photographer and other folks to share. Until then, this is all I've got.

On another note, I've been steadily working on a few changes in the shop, namely the photography. Here's a sneak peak of the new look. I've still got some kinks to work out, but it's going quite well. What do you think?

Dalena Vintage

Oh, and before I get back to work, don't forget to enter the $50 giveaway I've got for the shop. Happy Monday!

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