Thursday 25 February 2010

pencil skirts and doo wop girls

I've finally emerged from four beautifully hazy days of wedding for a few short days of work before I go under the radar again for the Nashville move next week. Monday was spent on a final San Antonio trip with my mom filled with yummy food, shopping and a jug of root beer. Tuesday with hours of packing and intermittent breaks to admire the snow fall. Wednesday with recovery naps and photography. Today with work work work and more work!

These slim fitting pencil skirts and other vintage loveliness will be popping up over in the shop throughout the week, so stay tuned.

After all the alterations, here's how we ended up at the wedding on Saturday night. Only a few wardrobe malfunctions! Doesn't Sheila make a beautiful bride?

Sheila and Angus Get Hitched

Wednesday 17 February 2010

hats, bridesmaid dresses and a bit of a rant

Dalena Vintage

Good evening! So today is the first day I've actually gotten nervous about the move. It kind of just hit me in a single moment while driving and then there it was...Hello Nashville! Goodbye Austin!

The next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind of craziness. Tomorrow begins finishing alterations on my bridesmaid dress for Saturday's wedding. A dress that was, to no fault of mine, ordered two sizes to big. Side Note: I'm convinced bridal salons are a racket when it comes to sizing. I mean seriously, why is it I can buy a dress off the rack from Target and it fits like a gem, but when I actually have my measurements taken for a custom dress, I still need alterations! And I'm not talking about the minimal it's-just-a-bit-big-in-the-bust alterations. I'm talking about excuse-me-sir-this-dress-is-at-my-ankles alterations! Seriously, puhLEAZE don't take me for a fool Mr. Snooty Dress Man, I will not give in to your trickery. In fact, I will do the alterations myself despite you mocking my sewing skills...Hahaaa! Take that! Whew....Sorry had to get that one off my chest!

Anywho, deep breath, I feel like I've mentally checked out of the city but holy b'jesus, I've still got so much to do! At least I got a bit of shop work done today. Voila...Three adorable 1960s hats soon to be in the shop!

Tuesday 16 February 2010

dead man's bones

Sit. Watch. Listen. Love.

get yourself a deal

Dalena Vintage Sale

Check out the huge sale I'm having over in the shop. Heaps of lovely vintage at half the usual price!

Why you might ask? Well, I'll just say it...I'm moving to Nashville in two weeks! There you go, the mystery behind infrequent blog postings and new listings in the shop is solved. I've been swamped with the move and packing and all the fun that comes along with change. AND on top of that my dear friend Sheila is getting married on Saturday so I've been busy with bridesmaid duties. Enjoy the sale and hope you find some goodies!

Oh and by the way, the cuties in the photo are none other than my mom and aunt! I love this photo, my mom says being in the studio that day is one of her earliest memories.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

armoire d'amour: q's daydream

There are so many fashionable gals with blogs these days whose closets I would love to raid. Am I alone in this? I have a feeling, that no, I am not! So here you are, Armoire d'Amour, a little series of interviews with ladies whose style speaks for itself.

Q's Daydream

This month, I'm happy to introduce a lady you probably know and love, Ms. Quincy from Q's Daydream. Aside from running her own Etsy shop and a crush worthy blog, she's got a closet from heaven, dotted with darling dresses from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Read on, read on...And then I suggest you head over to Q's Daydream for even more inspiration!

Dalena Vintage: What inspired you join the blogging world and start Q's Daydream?

Q's Daydream: Well, in September of 2008 I came across Sally Jane Vintage blog. I was so surprised and excited to see that there were girls out there with the same interest as me. I went down Jennifer's blog roll and discovered many other blogs. I couldn't believe there was such a big vintage community! It was then that I decided to start my blog. So, thanks Jennifer!

DV: Where do you find inspiration in your daily life?

QD: All over the place! Mostly from old films and other bloggers.

DV: I agree completely! Old Hollywood is filled with inspiration in itself, who are a few of your favorite starlets of the past?

QD: There's a bunch! My top of the top must be, Natalie Wood, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Ms. Monroe and Louise Brooks.

DV: And blogs...What are your daily must reads?

QD: I love so many! Esme and the Lane Way, Sally Jane Vintage, Mon Cheri and you! ;o)

DV: Aww, I'm blushing, thanks! You're currently running Q's Daydream on Etsy as your full-time gig which is amazing, but what were you doing prior to opening up the shop?

QD: Before running my shop full-time I worked with the elderly doing crafts and keeping them entertained. Though, before that I was in cosmetology school for a year. I've also worked in retail and as a coffee girl.

DV: Style is such a hard thing to define, but what does it mean to you?

QD: Style must make me happy. If I'm not happy in what I'm wearing it bothers me all day. It's also a wonderful way to express yourself!

DV: I'm coveting your collection of 1940s frocks as I'm sure many of your readers are. Fashionably speaking, what do you love most about this decade?

QD: Aww, thanks! What I love about 40s dresses most is their flattering cut. I like the fitted waists and slimming skirts. Also, the details were so sweet in the 40s!

DV: I guess I half assumed the Forties was your favorite decade...Oops! Am I right or wrong on that one?

QD: It's really hard for me to pick a favorite decade! The decades I love the most are the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Favorite...I would have to say the 30s.

DV: What about your favorite piece in your closet at the moment?

QD: I would have to say my 1940s baby blue rayon dress. It has little white palm trees on it!

DV: As sunny days and picnics are on their way, what's on your wish list for this Spring?

QD: Oh, and how I can not wait for Spring! I've been on the lookout for the perfect pair of high waisted sailor shorts, lol! I already have a pair that I lived in last summer, so I want more colors. Also, I would like some simple 50s sun dresses and some funky wedges.

DV: Speaking of sunny days, how about those not so sunny ones when the fashion blahs might creep in? Do you have a "go-to" outfit or a place you go for inspiration when you're in a rut?

QD: Well, this is quite embarrassing but on days that I don't leave the house I just throw on my black yoga pants and a warm sweater. When the weather warms up I look forward to wearing dresses around the house all day.

DV: And last but not least, you've got a definite love of sailor inspired fashion. Was there someone or something along the way that originally inspired you?

QD: I've loved sailor fashion for as long as I can remember! I have pictures of me when I was 4 or 5 dressed in sailor tops. I think it goes back to Shirley Temple. I watched so many Shirley films growing up and she always wore the cutest sailor inspired outfits!

DV: Thanks so much for giving us a sneak preview into your life Quincy!

Monday 8 February 2010

rochas spring 2010

I'm loving what Rochas has lined up for Spring. Okay, it's true, my bank account sadly cannot afford me actual Rochas, but I'll definitely be looking to this line for inspiration from now until...

It's as if Marco Zanini pulled the best of from the 20s, 30s and 40s to create this vibrant vintagy collection. And the colors. Oh the colors! It's refreshing to see a Spring line that strays from the usual girly pastels and opts for more traditional Fall shades.

Rochas Spring 2010

Corsages on belts? Yes please! I already see a few DIY projects and craft store visits in my future. And those sunnies are perfectly 1940s although I can't say if they're Rochas or not. I'll be on the prowl for an inexpensive pair that's for sure...Any ideas?

Rochas Spring 2010

What I'm really loving about this collection though, are the tap pants. I need to get a pair stat. Aren't these gorgeous? The cream and tangerine numbers are especially adorable. They remind me of a slinky 1920s swimsuit, something I would also love to have in my wardrobe.

Sunday 7 February 2010

what's to come

I love lazy Sunday afternoons with a dash of work thrown in. I'm about to break for an Irish Coffee, then back to work as I'm hoping to have this update for the shop finished by bedtime!

Dalena VintageDalena Vintage
Dalena VintageDalena Vintage
Dalena VintageDalena Vintage

Saturday 6 February 2010

jackson, johnston & roe

I love it when there's an interesting story behind a name, especially when it's a simple tribute to the women in your life. The ladies behind Jackson, Johnston & Roe, for example, simply strung their mother's maiden names together and their Brooklyn-based baby was born! (Insert little know fact here: Dalena Vintage is actually a combination of my name with my two best lady friends, D'Arcy and Nancy.)

And oh how happy they've made fashionistas with their laid back frocks and easy-to-wear separates. It's nice to invest in pieces you can just throw on and instantly look put together, no?

Jackson, Johnston and Roe, Spring 2010

Can I please throw a tea party in this space? Hot tea. Fizzy Swedish mimosas. Thick clotted cream. Fresh strawberry jam. Flaky Scones. If you're drooling at this point, have a look at Kitchen by Michele Cranston. Best. Cookbook. Ever.

Jackson, Johnston and Roe, Spring 2010

Speaking of cooking, wouldn't you just love to put one of these aprons to use right now? Bake a batch of deliciousness, then throw on one of those dresses and lose all your worries?

Jackson, Johnston and Roe, Spring 2010

Aren't these images just lovely? They're from Riley Salyards, one of three ladies behind Jackson, Johnston & Roe. LOVE + An extra helping of hearts.

Friday 5 February 2010

the 1920s bra a la leslie

Combine one part lack of motivation with one part procrastination, and Tuesday's project easily becomes Friday's! I had planned on whipping this up earlier in the week but didn't end up picking up the hankies until yesterday morning and then waited until this afternoon to delve into stitching. So really I'm only a few days behind schedule, not too shabby for someone who is quite talented in the art of procrastination!

Et voila! Here's what happened when I followed that 1920s tutorial on crafting a bra from hankies I posted earlier this week...

1920s Bra

The video was not exactly detail oriented, so I ended up straying a bit from the tutorial along the way and doing several alterations to the final piece, including darts to make the cups a bit more shapely. I don't know if you'd ever catch me wearing this as an actual bra, but it is definitely comfy for bedtime!

Monday 1 February 2010

the 1920s bra

Sometimes, okay quite often, I have no self control when it comes to opening my mouth about something I'm excited about. This morning I was trying to find fashion videos from the 1920s and came across this lovely video tutorial from the 1920s on how to stitch a bra from those two handkerchiefs you've got just milling about in your linen closet. I wanted to wait and post the video along with my own tutorial and photos of my very own finished bra, but alas, I could not wait!

After watching this I wondered, just why exactly are these tiny pieces of fabric laced with ribbon and elastic considered a bra? I mean, after all, they barely seem to offer any actual support!

Lo and behold, after a bit of research, I found out that bras made in the early 1920s were usually hand-stitched from white cotton. Support? Forget about it, they were really no more than a bodice that served to separate your two little ladies. And for those larger ladies, well they often took to bandaging their breasts flat to accomplish that ever-so-stylish boyish figure. Ouch!

I'm saving this little project for tomorrow afternoon and will be sure to post photos and hopefully a tutorial that's a little more detailed. Given my history of procrastination, you better hold me to it!