Friday 2 September 2011

lady marlene

Good estate sales are hard to come by these days, or so it seems. But with a combination of today's semi-promising weather forecast, vague directions and promise of vintage clothing, this specific sale sounded like a worthwhile morning adventure.

Let me just tell you, even though I only came out with four vintage pieces, they are just about the most darling items I've had my hands on in awhile. One stunning 1950s ivory lace party dress, two 1960s corset and garter belt sets and one pair of 1960s Hanes thigh-high nylons. Lordy, each and every one of them is even my size. Why must the world be so cruel?

I initially bought all four pieces for the shop, but now I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, I'll keep one little goody for myself. This lovely below may just be the one, but we'll see! Quickly, here's how it happened...I walked into the bedroom and caught a glimpse of a corset in my peripheral vision. Drawn to the box, I quickly scooped it up and realized it held not just one corselette but two, complete with garters and thigh high nylons. Swoon.

Lady Marlene Corset
Lady Marlene Corset
Lady Marlene Corset
Lady Marlene Corset
Lady Marlene Corset

Now of course I had to share these lovelies with you. What do you think? Am I so wrong in wanting to keep the full Lady Marlene Corselette...Style 135...Size 34 C...Circa 1961? I couldn't help Google stalking it when I got home. But seriously, to keep or not to keep, that is the question.

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