Thursday 17 June 2010

Alluring Allium

DSC_0083-4_fs krislynimage via Krislyn

IMG_0366 brabourne farm blogimage via Brabourne Farm

IMG_8993 little pheasantimage via Little Pheasant

ml305_0503_alliums_xl martha stewartimage via Martha Stewart

KitchenStraightOn-0009 dwellers without decorators image via Dwellers Without Decorators

Nothing beats the architectural quality of these giant orbs…

I keep promising myself that one day I will buy lots and lots of these bulbs and plant them in my garden…that dream started when I walked past this cottage in Crested Butte, Colorado a couple of summers ago…

<KENOX S630  / Samsung S630>…love that the owner was bold enough to paint the door and windows plum…so artistic…

Hope you all have a great Thursday…we’re nearing the weekend!


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