Friday 4 June 2010

Happy Anniversary Scott & Rachel

This time last year, we were in Austin celebrating my cousin’s wedding at Chapel Dulcinea. I had a blast visiting Central Market the morning of the wedding with his fiancée, Rachel, to select flowers for her bridal bouquet…which she asked me to make…what a thrill! We used pink peonies, pink bouvardia, Star of Bethlehem, orange roses and orange tulips for the bouquet and wrapped the handle with Midori ribbon.rs_wed_blog2 clark larars_wed_blog1 clark larars_wed_blog4 clark lara     rs_wed_blog7 rs_wed_blog13 clark lara rs_wed_blog12 clark lara rs_wed_blog14 clark lara 6-4Happy 1st Anniversary, you two!

all images via Clark Lara Photography

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