Saturday 26 June 2010

tea rose, stil de grain & old lace

Woken quite early by Miss Cami's cute little nose begging for food at my bedside, I jumped out of bed excited about the estate sale I had planned on going to this morning. Country roads. Check. Old barn. Check. Heaps of vintage clothing. Check.

Now maybe it's just me, but seeing a combination of the above in a single estate sale ad had me pretty darn fired up. Throw in a breakfast of homemade coffee cake and two cups of coffee, and you've got one wired gal.

I had a few stops to make along the way. At my first stop, I scored a 1940s/1950s tea rose slip made of the softest rayon and a most becoming 1960s wedding gown! Not too shabby I must say and all in about ten minutes time. Onward I was, out to the countryside just on north of Bellingham to said estate sale. The directions they had given were quite shady, but I wasn't hindered. I had confidence in the "well marked signs" they had bragged about.

Alas as soon as I headed off the highway, there were no signs to be found. What the devil. Driving and driving down back roads and country lanes, I stumbled on a few sales but definitely not the sale. The sale that claimed to be the sale of the year. In fact, at one garage sale I asked the woman holding it if she had any idea about this infamous barn sale to which she replied. "You know what, I don't. But there have been a few people who dropped by here looking for that same one! Good luck to ya." Well, after about an hour and half of driving I gave up and headed back to town. I ended up with a few good finds, but was definitely grumbling about the phantom sale.

Now why this ramble? Well, I have a plea to all those holding estate sales. If you're going to have a sale and aren't providing an exact address or contact information, please have the decency to let folks know if you decide to cancel it! That is all.

On the brighter side, several of these lovelies will up in the shop tonight. The rest will go up throughout the week. And of course, let me know if you have any questions!

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