Monday 19 April 2010

a clogging girl at heart

I'm going to be completely honest with you. I cannot stop watching this video. It claims to be the best bluegrass clogging video ever made, and by golly I have no argument against it! I love it, I really do. I love the open mouths of concentration. The oval framed photos of aged kin. The half-toothed smile of the fiddle player.

It's made me realize that I need to perfect my clogging, now! Commence research on clogging in Washington...I'm sorry, that just doesn't even sound right, but seriously I need to learn. I've been looking for an adult tap class and clogging seems to be in the same genre so I would be happy to find either.

I don't know if I ever mentioned it or not but I am a absolute lover of dance. A sucker for dance in any form or fashion. Like any good Southern girl, I studied ballet and jazz growing up. I interned with the ballet in university, studied classical Thai dance for a heartbeat and even did a little Bollywood performance last year in Austin. But back to my point, clogging, I will take it up. And when I do oh my how I would love to have this little ensemble to perform in!


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