Monday 12 April 2010

a little makeover

Now that I'm in the lovely state of Washington and reorganizing my life, I thought perhaps I would do a little reorganizing in the shop as well. I've been thinking about changing the style of photography up for awhile now. Changing it to something a bit less time consuming, more manageable and moving it into the comfort of my own home. The thing is, I've been quite torn because I really do love the look of the outdoor shop photos. It's just that with the weather being so unpredictable here it makes more sense to move things inside.

I spent yesterday setting up a backdrop, and all of this morning working out the lighting. Insert huge sigh here. This is what I came up with. I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but I think shifting the focus of the photos to the clothes and using a consistent back drop might be nice. And photographing the shop this way will give me more of the photo play time I've been craving.

It's still up in the air whether I'll stick to this but I would absolutely love to hear what ya'll have to say. Don't be shy...Type your comments away! Oh and I'll be posting these lovelies in the shop over the next few days.

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