Thursday 8 April 2010

the great shoe search

Thanks everyone for yesterday's well wishes! I managed to keep my throat numb most of the day thanks to a pack of Cepacol my brother picked up for me last night. Normally I wouldn't drug myself up so much, but I had to get at least a little work done today. I kind of been popping them like candy...Oops!

I got about half the work done and ended up finding these two pairs of shoes when I was out running errands. Even sick, I couldn't resist stopping in one thrift store! One pair I'm keeping. One pair will be up for grabs in the shop later this evening. Any ideas on which pair will find it's way to my closet? Hint...I can't keep the pair I find most adorable because they're just a wee bit too small. Oh well, at least I get one pair out of the deal!

Dalena VintageDalena Vintage

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