Thursday 15 April 2010

we'll meet beyond the shore

Usually you'll find me here in jeans, tennis shoes and my jacket amongst all the 60 plus folks who agree this is the best park around to get in a daily walk. Instead of my usual 2.5 mile walk, I decided to drive down and actually take some photos. Not to get all sappy on you, but I feel truly blessed to live so close to such a serene beach. So quiet save the few walkers on the path above and the lapping of waves as a fishing boat goes past. I could spend hours just sorting through pebbles and sea glass, and searching for funny little patterns in the driftwood.

rainbow seaweed

* Wool scarf from my dear friend's mother...All the way from India!
* Navy Cynthia Rowley shift dress
* Rust stockings by American Apparel
* Lucchese boots

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