Monday 10 May 2010

modern rapunzel

Last year I decided to take the plunge into long hairdom. At the time my hair was just past my shoulders, and I naively thought it would be easy enough. Now here I am with the summer months quickly approaching and am so tempted to start chopping at it. And really I do mean that. I keep a pair of shears in the top drawer up my bathroom for trimming my bangs but I’m thinking about putting them under the lock and tossing the key into the ocean. It’s just too tempting! Alas, persistence and patience are necessary. The first, no problem. The second, well, I’m in the process of learning. In staying true to my goal of elbow length hair, I’m looking to these long-haired beauties for inspiration. And oh how lucky for me and you, they’ve graciously offered a few tips for those aspiring long locks of their own.

The Stitchy Life

Nicky of The Stitchy Life...
Eat lots of fruits and veggies.
Plenty of rest.

Snail and the CyclopsHannah and Landon

Francesca of The Snail and the Cyclops...
Don't skip trims!
Don't wash it that often.
When shampooing only apply shampoo to the scalp.
Coconut Oil.
Eat well.

Hannah of Hannah and Landon...

Kennedy Holmes

Kennedy of Kennedy Holmes...
Keep growing!

Combined with the bit of research I've done on the subject (and boy has that been lot) I'm thinking this might not be so hard after all! And I suppose it's a good excuse to keep a healthy diet while I'm at it. I really love Francesca's advice of applying coconut oil to the ends of your hair. I'll definitely have to try it. Even with regular conditioning I feel as if my the ends of my hair are always dying of thirst.

If you're interested in my two cents, here are a few other tips I recommend following...Brush your hair before showering. I've found this helps prevent a tangled mess when it comes time to comb. And yes, always comb when wet! I never brush my hair when it's wet because I'm so afraid of breaking it. I've also taken to sleeping in braids. This could be just me, but it's another tangle preventer. And the bonus is you've got morning waves.

So what about you...Tips? Techniques? Advice? From solid text advice to old wives tales, I would love your thoughts on the topic.

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