Thursday 6 May 2010

A Quick Diversion From Flowers…

…for the artistic-minded souls out there…

Ok, so I’m sure many of you have an artistic side…and some of you may even consider yourself deeply artistic…so hopefully you can appreciate this little diversion.

Know how some things just speak to your soul…artistically speaking? A couple of years ago I did the flowers for a wedding that was photographed by Julia Bailey. I will never forget the feeling I had the first time I looked at her website. Wax Poetic sang “Angels” in the background as photos faded on and off the screen of brides in a cemetery, brides underwater, brides in front of graffiti walls. My heart raced with excitement…here is a woman who indulges her creativity…and you can feel her soul through her photography. I have gone back to her website over and over for inspiration. You can check her out for yourself here:

Well after several years, it finally happened again…only this time it was through music introduced to me by a friend (thanks Jenny). This video speaks to me…artistically. The music, the facial expressions, the creativity in the video production, the personalities of these two…

Anyone know what I’m talking about? An artistic high is the best kind…

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