Tuesday 4 May 2010

sun snow sun

A couple of strange slash funny slash good things about the past few days. I'll start with yesterday's trip to Goodwill where I found the cutest little black and white polka dot summer dress. Sadly it had no tag on it! Usually I have a hard getting Goodwill to sell things without a price tag, but alas I thought I'd give it a go so I took it up to the counter with the rest of my load. When the guy got the dress, he just looked up, smiled sheepishly and stuffed it in my bag sans payment. Jackpot! A cute little dress that I'll probably wear constantly and free of charge.

Now fast forward to my late afternoon errands. I'm sure some of ya'll are probably the same way, but when I get my hands on something new I have to slip it on right away and give it a run around. Once I got home, I quickly nipped of the ends of my new sheer stockings (which I got for 99 cents!) and jetted over to the post office. There I was, standing at the counter, just chatting as usual with the postwomen. I felt a little something slip up my skirt, gave a big shriek and turned around only to find a little boy with his hand up my skirt! Oh my goodness! Of course I started cracking up because he was only about two years old and took off running to his mom when he saw he was busted! His mom was so embarrassed and claimed it was probably because he had never seen a pair of nylons in his short little life and needed to investigate. Hah!

And now for my big finale. It's short and sweet. I don't think I need to explain myself in detail. But it snowed on me today and by the time I took my photos it was sunny and warming up. Seriously, what is up with this weather!

Sun. Snow. Sun.

Oh weather.Sun. Snow. Sun.

who doesn't love arthropods
* Striped Aeropostal sweater stolen from my brother's closet. Shhh!
* Thrifted black & white summer dress
* Thrifted sheer black stockings
* Black Old Navy flats

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