Thursday 13 May 2010

mixing prints & another giveaway

Today's warm weather made shooting these two pieces so pleasant! One 1970s Floral Halter + 1960s Pea Green Print Skirt = The Perfect Print Mix! Both of these lovelies will be up in the shop later this evening, so stay tuned if you like what you see.

A couple of ya'll made the comment yesterday that you're not on Facebook, and I have to say...I commend you! I also have to say it made me a little sad that you wouldn't be able to participate in the $50 Dalena Vintage gift certificate giveaway we're having over there. Well, to make it up to you I teamed up with Quincy of Q's Daydream for another Dalena Vintage giveaway. It's not a gift certificate but it is a rather cute 1960s Sailor Schoolgirl Hat as you'll see below! Head over to her lovely blog to enter and don't blame me if you quickly become addicted to her adorably quirky posts!

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