Wednesday 5 May 2010

organic by john patrick

Believe it or not ladies and gents, but this is a Spring collection despite what your initial instinct might be whispering in your ear. I think I was struck by these pieces because they seem to emulate the way I've been feeling so far this Spring. Which as you may have noticed, is not at all pink and pastely as is the typical Spring mindset. I wish I was feeling that way but nope, not there yet. Perhaps it's the cooler weather, the laid-back style of the locals or the need for sensible flats almost all the time. I feel funny wearing heels around these parts!

Organic by John Patrick

Last Spring, folks were deeming Organic by John Patrick as depression chic, which I must say I wasn't too keen on. Don't get me wrong, the dresses were gorgeous and an obvious throw back to the 1930s. But really, isn't calling something depression chic, a bit, um, tasteless?

Moving on to this season though, I'm loving the draped high waisted trousers, the tailored jackets and droopy stockings in the style of the late great Kit Kat Club ladies. If you're like me and can't afford the real deal, these looks can easily be recreated via your local thrift store. I'm thinking sheer cut-off stockings and a scavenge in the little boys department are in order.

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