Thursday 12 August 2010

bad blogger & a vixen recap

I've been a bad, bad blogger this past week and I'm sorry about that! Somehow the little fashion show on Friday managed to hijack most of my time. Not to worry though, I've regained control and am back on my normal schedule. Commence your regularly scheduled program...Now.

The show was tons of fun and I was really happy with the turn out. We had it on the same weekend as the Anacortes Arts Festival which was perfect because lots of visitors and folks just passing through were able to stop in.

I'll spare you most of the details, but we had 36 outfit changes and can I just say holy b'jesus that is a lot of work! From dressing the gals to chatting with folks, I had about a million things to do throughout the night and my brother was using my camera for a photobooth we set up. Unfortunately this combination equals no photos on my part. How sad is that?

Luckily Mila Zotova, a photography student from Western Washington, showed up and snapped a slew of photos and was kind enough to send them my way.

How cute are the cupcake girls up top? I wish I had a full body shot for you because they were wearing the most adorable slouched nylons and heels.

Mila took a few black and white shots as well which I'm really loving. Vampy nails, pastoral Gunne Sax dresses and literal hair bows!

Of course there was champagne and in the back you can see the place was overflowing with cupcakes. My favorite, hmmmm, the chocolate raspberry minis!

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