Sunday 22 August 2010

wanda jackson

A few weeks ago my best friend sent me a little song by Wanda Jackson claiming she loved the lady and that I would too. I suppose she knows me well because of course her prediction rang true, I did like the song. Not only that song, but I listened to a few other tunes from Ms. Jackson. Love. I didn't think too much about it though until her name came up again inthe autobiography I'm reading on Johnny Cash.

Seeing as this lady's name has popped up not just one but two times in my life over the past month, I thought I'd do a bit more investigating. After checking out her website and perusing the Internet, I've come to the undeniable conclusion she's got that womanly 1950s Nashville style. You know, the form fitting dresses and fringe type. Apparently her mother made a lot of the costumes she galavanted around in.

I would have liked to post more photos but the gal is hard to track down, in photograph form at least. So here you have it, a few photos and tibits on the Queen of Rockabilly. Above...She signed with Capital in 1956 and stuck with them 'til the 1970's.

Above...Such a classic 1950s hairstyle! And that Wanda Jackson on her guitar. Sigh!

I used to have a photo of a woman and oh, you know, Elvis but found out after the fact it wasn't actually Wanda Jackson. Oops! He helped her out considerably when she was getting started. Encouraging her to pursue a career in music, specifically rock and roll. Oh and in case you were wondering, the two did have a little affair. I wish I had a few more details on that!

Above...Fringe and heels. How very Nashville! And below...Hard Headed Woman. I'm a little in love.

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